The hairy Ape of Eugene O'Neill, is an expressionist painting that shows the concern of the writer by social entities represented in it by the oppressed industrial working class and the capitalist system, which pursues the working man and cannot solve the most specific problems developed in the industrial environment that presents itself as something harmful and dehumanizing to the surface and inhumanity of the rich world; also showing the condition human, away from nature and unable; in some cases incorporate to the environment that surrounds it, social groups or an environment adverse.
This work is the life of a burly, illiterate laborer and irrational known as Yank that seeks to give meaning to his life, wanting to belong to a world controlled by rich; who has confidence in his physical power, on the development of skills for the work, however, at the beginning of the work when daughter fragile and rich of an industrialist in the steel business refers to it as a "dirty beast" Yank suffers a serious identity crisis, abandoning the ship and deep into the big city (Manhattan), realizing quickly that does not fit in any part of that society, the big avenues, or new jobs, finally taking it to the search of a being that it may be akin to if same, found only in a gorilla in a Zoo, dying in the arms of this.
Is important to note that the work holds a great secrecy, to show the man as a being irrational, out of its zone weak no reason to follow later with its nature, matter much to say of others; represented by the girl from high society, who sees the other than your social class, as inferior beings with the right to bully them and abuse them at your convenience comparing them with irrational as gorillas and monkeys beings.
By Juan E.Perazza R.
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